There are many reasons a person is unable to attend face to face therapy with the type of therapy or the therapist of their choice.
It maybe that distance makes this too big a challenge; restrictions of lockdown may make face to face impossible; you may not be able to face venturing out at this time due to anxiety or depression or be restricted to home due to a disability.
As such Alternative Approaches offers remote therapy which can be provided by video link (using the Zoom platform), telephone and email.
As a Natural World Therapist I aim to bring the mediums of nature into any remote working and encourage clients to access the outdoors and explore creatively as part of their remote therapeutic process and experience.
There is also a community facebook page that aims to provide activities during the year that will support mental well-being and bring social interaction of like-minded people. This group will also be sharing regular motivational quotes to help with keeping a positive mind-set that we hope will enjoy and be inspired by.